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Apr 28, 2020

With the rise in sickness and death, there is a lot of uncertainty circulating around how life insurance companies pay death claims and take care of their responsibilities.

Best-selling author
Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity Podcast to learn more...

Apr 21, 2020

While securities are volatile, there is one industry that remains constant. Find out why cash value whole life insurance is safe based on their business model and principles.


Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity Podcast to learn...

Apr 14, 2020

Human ingenuity is going to help us get through these unbelievable times. Kim and Spencer talk about what they have control over, what they are thinking about, and how you can prosper even when it feels chaotic.


Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your finances. Tune in...

Apr 7, 2020

Looking back at history, some of the most difficult times gave us the greatest innovations. The wagon was replaced by the car and work from home is replacing the office building. Listen to how Spencer and Kim are at a pivotal moment for innovation and what we can do at this unbelievable time. 


Best-selling author Kim...