Jun 30, 2020
What are the habits of wealthy
people? Kim and Spencer talk about how wealthy people think, act,
and what they are thinking and doing with the current world
Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity Podcast to learn more...
Jun 23, 2020
If you’re a recent high school
or college graduate, there are boundless opportunities ahead! Kim
and Spencer offer work and life advice to help direct you on a
clear and successful path.
author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more
control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity...
Jun 16, 2020
Learn all about liquidity with Kim and Spencer and how you can set up your finances to make it work for you.
Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more
control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity Podcast to
learn more about Prosperity Economics thinking and strategies
Jun 9, 2020
Most people avoid talking about money and death. Kim and Spencer share how to make these conversations easy and even a great learning experience for all.
Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more
control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity Podcast to
learn more about Prosperity...
Jun 2, 2020
Taking the prosperity idea challenge is a game we can all play whenever we need to pause and recalibrate. The acronym of PIC stands for Pause, Internalize and Compliment. Listen in and see if you would like to take on this challenge today.
Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take...