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Oct 26, 2021

Which do you prefer: Email or snail mail? Of course, when it comes to speed and productivity, email is the best option.

However, it’s fun and exciting to get something sent via snail mail, right?

Excited and grateful, Kim and Spencer talk about something special they received via snail mail: The Tuttle Times...

Oct 19, 2021

Is it possible to start a business with little to no money?

In today’s show, Spencer and Kim talked about OPMs. They shared what are the different deals on how OPM works. Spencer and Kim also discussed the different sources of capital and where you can get the funding to start your own business.

Best-selling author...

Oct 12, 2021

How can we improve the supply chain issues in the country as people and how can we apply prosperity thinking to it?

Spencer and Kim surround their conversation for today with these two questions. They share their thoughts and ideas on how you can level up your thinking to a prosperity mindset. Spencer and Kim also talk...

Oct 5, 2021

Do you often ask yourself, “Why am I not good enough?” or “Did I do enough today?”

Spencer and Kim discuss the important question “How much is enough?” A lot of times, people focus on the challenges and forget to focus on small wins that when put together, can create a grand success. Spencer and Kim also...