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Apr 30, 2019

Today we learn why every business earns a commission and why you need to look at fees and commissions in a completely new way. Stay tuned to this new Prosperity Podcast episode to get Kim's and Spencer's intellectual wisdom on this matter.

Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control...

Apr 23, 2019

Kim and Spencer dive into an extensive topic: College tuition. Is it really a game that we should be playing? if so, let's understand what the rules are so we can participate in it more effectively.

Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your finances. Tune in to The...

Apr 16, 2019

Kim and Spencer approach this episode a little bit differently, that's because today they answer some listener's questions regarding the movement, Kim's principles system, and her amazing background story. Don't miss out on this opportunity to find out more about our amazing host.

Best-selling author Kim Butler and...

Apr 9, 2019

There are many common questions regarding Self-Directed IRA: what are they, how do they operate, and how they could affect you and your finances. Stay tuned to get the answers you seek.

Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your finances. Tune in to The Prosperity Podcast...

Apr 2, 2019

In the life insurance industry, one of the great commandments is “thou shalt not cancel your policy!” Kim and Spencer also discuss why you should use the flexibility of the policy to sustain it and to help it sustain you.

Best-selling author Kim Butler and Spencer Shaw show you how to take more control of your...